
getting to know and having an insight into the “outside” world of work as early and comprehensive as possible

Why we started the project…


The project “A GRASP OF GRAPHICS AND VISUALS” met the expectations of schools educating in photography, graphics and film production. Teachers and students of four partner schools participated. The project was mainly set up to will allow students to be successful in the European labour market

The aims of the project were:

– improvement of the quality and increase of the attractiveness of vocational training in photography, graphics and the film industry
– adjustment of the contents and methods of vocational training to requirements of the digital era and European standards
– development of participants‘ skills in the usage of modern information and communication technologies ICT
– development of participants‘ social and intercultural competence
– increase of employment opportunities of graduates from partner schools on the domestic and European labour market,
– increase of awareness of both students and teachers on the importance of foreign language learning and enhancing linguistic competence

The project involved vocational and secondary school students who are interested in the field of new digital technologies, want to expand their knowledge and skills in modern visualization techniques and investigate the operation of the branch labour market. Participating teachers from partner schools played the role of guides and counselors for the young people.

Who was mainly kept busy…


Grasp addressed and involved the following target groups:

– Students aged 16 to 19 in the fields of Photography, Film and Multimedia Art and Graphic Design.
– Teachers in the fields of Photography, Film and Multimedia Art and Graphic Design. Teachers in the field of CLIL and foreign language acquisition (English).
– Other students and teachers of the participating schools and of schools not directly involved in the project; headmasters and diverse stakeholders (parents, school administration staff on local and national level, ministries, companies; tertiary level education.

Which way…

And what has finally come out of it.

Partners in Grasp

What`s more to know

A Grasp of Graphics and Visuals.

AGREEMENT NUMBER – 2017-1-PL01-KA219-038292_3

Official Project Website at

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